19th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations
11-13 Jul 2016 Lille (France)
French Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Europe – A Scientometric Approach
Hélène Prost  1@  , Amélie Buirette  2@  , Aurélie Halipré  2@  
1 : Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Information et Communication  (GERIICO)  -  Website
Université Lille III - Sciences humaines et sociales : EA4073
2 : Atelier National de Reproduction des thèses  (ANRT)  -  Website
Université Lille III - Sciences humaines et sociales


The poster presents an empirical overview on French electronic theses and dissertations, in particular with regards to the place of France in Europe, to their geographical and disciplinary distribution, to their representativity and to their openness.

Research method/procedure

The study includes a scientometrcic analysis of the DART-Europe e-theses portal and of the French Theses.fr portal. It will also draw on other data from the French academic union catalogue SUDOC and from the ANRT database of French PhD dissertations.

Anticipated results

The poster will present some general information about ETDs in France and will provide empirical evidence for at least five different topics:

  • The part of French ETDs in the DART-Europe portal.
  • Their geographical and disciplinary distribution.
  • Their development over the years.
  • Their representativeness compared to the French union catalogue and Theses.fr portal.
  • Their availability via open repositories (openness).

The poster will also mention potential limitations of these data sources.

Practical implications/originality

The poster has two objectives: (1) Provide some useful and original information about the French ETD landscape for the international audience of the ETD2016 conference. (2) Contribute to the monitoring of the development of ETDs in France and in particular of their openness, in an European perspective.



On the authors:


Amélie Buirette works at ANRT since 2007. From 2006 to 2007, she worked at the printing office of the University of Lille 3. She holds a diploma of management assistant. Currently, she is in charge of the ANRT print on demand service for dissertations "Thèses à la Carte" and contributes to the ANRT marketing and communication (web site, social networks...).


Aurélie Halipré works at ANRT since 2008. She holds diploma in design and applied arts and has a BA in Visual Arts. At ANRT, she worked as a technical agent in charge of digitization, layout and desktop publishing and is now in charge of the institutional communication and community management, studies and service development.


Hélène Prost is an information professional at the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (CNRS) and associate member of the GERiiCO research laboratory (University of Lille 3). She is interested in empirical library and information sciences and statistical data analysis. She participates in research projects on the evaluation of collections, document delivery, usage analysis, grey literature and open access, and she is the author of several publications.


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