19th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations
11-13 Jul 2016 Lille (France)
Retrospective digitization projects: issues, challenges and benefits
Nicola Bacon, Cathy Boylan  1, *@  , Fiona Greig  2, *@  
1 : ProQuest  -  Website
2 : University of Surrey  (UNIS)  -  Website
University of Surrey, Guildford Surrey GU2 7XH -  United Kingdom
* : Corresponding author

Born-digital theses and the accompanying research data are increasingly available online. Metadata and full text can be disseminated in multiple channels.

This is leading many universities across the world to undertake retrospective digitization projects.

Fiona Greig (Head of Library e-Strategy & Resources, University of Surrey) and Cathy Boylan (Manager, Dissertations, ProQuest) discuss approaches to digitization and ways of managing digitization projects.

What issues and challenges arise before and during these projects?

Once a project is complete, what do metrics really tell us about the impact of theses newly available online?

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